White Sage w/ Panicum Milacea, Mullein Flower & Statice
This beautiful White Sage & Panacium Red Satice Smudge stick is excellent for cleansing negativity and promoting positivity. Traditionally used by the Native Americans, white sage is excellent for cleansing a space of negative energy. Red panicum flower is said to be one of the most powerful herbs against dark spiritual energy. It is soothing and complements white sage perfectly. Banish negativity and bring positivity into your life with this smudge stick.
White sage is a sacred herb in the Native American tradition and is the most popular source of smudging material due to its efficacy in clearing negative and stagnant energy. It can be used to clear and cleanse spaces, people, and objects, such as crystals or Tarot decks. White Sage also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
Panicum Milacea is a grass used for insight and clarity.
Mullien Flower is protective and cleansing, as well as mildly sedative, and promotes peace of mind and restful sleep.
Red Statice is associated with romance, power, and success.
Sinvata, or Statice, is a flower long cultivated for its medicinal and aromatherapeutic properties, as it is believed to promote a sense of well-being and aid in releasing worry. Its primary symbolic meanings are of fond remembrance, success, and sympathy.
Either burn the end of the entire stick or select individual leaves to use as needed. The smoke from the leaves attracts negative energy, which dissipates along with the smoke as it clears.