Chakra Kit - All Chakra Oil Blends
Root Chakra, the 1st Chakra (aka Muladhar Chakra) – Root Chakra Oil
The first chakra is the center of physical energy – a connection with the earth.Location: Base of the spine
Associated Color: Red
The Essential Oils Contained in Our Artisan Aromatics Root Chakra Oil:
Sacral Chakra, the 2nd Chakra (aka Svadisthan Chakra) – Sacral Chakra Oil
The second chakra is the Sacral in which one’s creativity and ability to emotionally relate to others is developed.Location: Pubic Region
Associated Color: Orange
The Essential Oils Contained in Our Artisan Aromatics Sacral Chakra Oil:
Solar Plexus Chakra, the 3rd Chakra (aka Manipura Chakra) – Solar Plexus Chakra Oil
The third chakra is the Solar Plexus governed by personal power where one has found their purposeLocation: Hollow area between the ribs
Associated Color: Yellow
The Essential Oils Contained in Our Artisan Aromatics Solar Plexus Chakra Oil:
Heart Chakra, the 4th Chakra (AKA Anhata Chakra) – Heart Chakra Oil
The fourth chakra is the heart chakra, the center of compassion for ourselves & othersLocation: center of the chest
Associated Color: Green
The Essential Oils Contained in Our Artisan Aromatics Heart Chakra Oil:
Throat Chakra, the 5th Chakra (aka Vishuddhi Chakra) – Throat Chakra Oil
The fifth chakra is the Throat Chakra, the center of truthful and compassionate communicationLocation: center of the throat
Associated Color: Blue
The Essential Oils Contained in Our Artisan Aromatics Throat Chakra Oil:
Third Eye Chakra, the 6th Chakra (aka Ajna Chakra) – 3rd Eye Chakra Oil
The sixth chakra is the Third Eye; the center of higher intelligence, intuition & guidanceLocation: Between the eyebrows
Associated Color: Indigo
The Essential Oils Contained in Our Artisan Aromatics Third Eye Chakra Oil:
Crown Chakra, the 7th Chakra (aka Sahastrar Chakra) – Crown Chakra OilThe seventh chakra is the Crown where ego and attachment is released and the highest self is achievedLocation: Top of the head
Associated Color: Violet